The Beginning of Being Consistent with My Blog

1:59 AM

Hello everyone!  The pass two years, for my business have been not as good as I want it to be.  I have had to step back and analyze what can I do to better myself as a photographer; bring in more customers and build a arsenal of steady clients.  I have been researching, attending workshops, joining photography groups and getting out more and just shoot pictures for more practice.  I am very hard on myself.  I am self-deprecating and always think my pictures are not up to par as they should be.  I have thought of giving up many times, but the passion I have for photography does not let me.

One thing I've realized is, marketing is a big part of a photography business.  I have to, for lack of better words, "sell myself."  I have to put myself out their so people will know what who I am, what services I offer....etc.  I have to start sending marketing letters to vendors, venues and potential clients.  It takes a big chunk of money to be able to do it correctly. The finance part of it is also big.  I have asked my husband, David, (the other half of Castle-Rivers Photos), to take over this huge part.  Pretty much, what all professional photographers desire is to do what they love most: take pictures.  There is so much more behind the scenes so many people don't know about and think that photographers are "divas" who just shoot weddings...etc, get paid and have a lot of time on their hands and have a bank full of money. NOT!  We enjoy what we do, but there is so much more to it than just shooting pictures. 

With that said, one of the things I have to start being consistent with is my blogging.  I started my blog 3 years ago, but I have not been consistent with it.  I have many pictures that I need to blog about, so I have a lot of catching up.  What I'm going to do is blog at LEAST 3xs a week to start.  If I do it everyday with just one picture, that would be much better.

I want to get back the confidence of my former clients and and start getting referrals through many friends and family.

Please feel free to follow my blog! You will not be disappointed.  I have a couple of years of pictures I need to put up, so I'm sure you will enjoy it. 


Aileen :)

Picture taken by Lisa from Brea Photos (

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